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SS4Y Virtual Disk

Easy to use
Your files and folders, when synchronized with SS4Y, are automatically copied. The process is continuous and automatic, and it reduces the risk of data loss between backup cycles.

Recover lost files
In the traditional method, recovering lost files requires complex and long efforts and processes. With SS4Y, file recovery is very simple. Just access the portal and instantly transfer these files from there. Any end user and/or IT administrator can recover files easily. And, as the storage is online and immediate, the recovery is fast.

Don’t stop your work
If you have lost the access to files in your computer, you can keep working using another computer until yours is repaired, and you don’t need to stop what you’re doing. With SS4Y, you can have immediate access to the most recent version of any file through a browser or mobile device while your computer is repaired.


Are your documents safe?
The level of safety is essential to all companies. SS4Y stores your files with replication safely in data centers to protect them from data loss. All files and transfers are encrypted with high level of safety in Tier 4 data centers.




If you have any file (texts, images, spreadsheets, documents, proposals, recordings, files of frequent reference, etc.) and would like to store them and have them safely available anytime without having to use a pen drive, DVD or any other external media, one intelligent option is to use the SS4Y Virtual Disk.

For your company, besides the facilities above that can be used by the company staff, management systems and applications can directly or indirectly store files in the SS4Y Virtual Disk, automatizing processes for easier administration.
With the SS4Y Virtual Disk, you store files in Cloud Computing servers and can access them from any computer connected to the internet.

It’s fast, safe and easy to use.






  • The folders can be shared with other users after
    configuration and authorization;
  • File directory;
  • Photo viewer;
  • Backup;
  • Accessible from anywhere, 24 hours a day;
  • Folder creation and file copy, paste, remove,
    send and rename;
  • Synchronizer (automatic upload).

If you have any file (texts, images, spreadsheets, documents, proposals, recordings, files of frequent reference, etc.) and would like to store them and have them safely available anytime without having to use a pen drive, DVD or any other external media, one intelligent option is to use the SS4Y Virtual Disk.

© 2012 SS4Y Safe Storage for You